Well despite having the week off, I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped... I slept off the pain a lot more than I thought I would. Now that's not to say I didn't get anything done.... I just didn't get anything finished.. part of the problem of having too many projects on the go at once.
I have made some progress on the socks, and I got a little Christmas knitting a little bit further. I did manage to finally mop my floors, which I've been meaning to do FOREVER.
And today, I did something I've left on the
backburner for
waaaaaaaaaay too long...

I sewed Dave's quilt top together. Now all I need is some
sashing, some batting, and sew it all together! I'm quite pleased with this, and love how the colours go together.
Tux says.....

"Go check out the
Etsy site... there's cool new jewels up!"