After the very disheartening trip to the frog pond, I am taking solace in the recent presents the mailman brought me

This is Lizzard Claw... some lovely handpainted yarn I got off E-Bay. I really wanted Dragon Scales - it was all greens and purples, but there was only one skein and it went for much more than I wanted to pay. However this one is just as nice and I have the perfect pattern for it.
I also picked this up on ebay (Rocky insisted on posing with it... he really likes it and has already ran off with it five times)
There is only one ball - and as mom informed me after I bought it, that's not enough to make 2 socks. Of course, I only paid $1.25, so I'm not too upset.
However, if we mix it with a solid, I should be able to get a pair of ankle socks out of it. So, time to go raid mom's stash for a matching yarn.
I haven't decided if I'm going to attempt them or let mom do it. It will probably end up on mom's list, as I'm not fond of the whole multiple needle thing
I did however enjoy knitting the swatch... (which I just had to do immediately to see all the colours.. of course my swatch is only 20 stitches, so the socks will look totally different, but I wanted to see what's in there.) It was really nice to knit with.

Here's a close up.

And something else that's neat about this yarn... apparently it comes with a free monster...
I've yet to see him though... maybe it's an invisible monster.... I hope he likes cats.
I also go this

Thrilling I know....
I really want to try my hand at dyeing (as if I didn't have enough projects on the go) I found a great tutorial for dyeing with Easter Egg dyes, but if anyone knows of any others, please let me know. I think want to do this in sunset colours.
So after all these great presents, I'm left sitting here going "I will not cast on a new project until others are finished - I will not!"