I got an award!

I'm a beautiful blogger - thanks to
Knitting Kitties! In accordance with the rules I have to share 10 things about myself you may or may not know.
1) Before I took up knitting I was an avid amateur artist. I've been drawing as long as I can remember, though I do very little since picking up the needles.

Faeries, mermaid and the like were always a favourite subject.
2) My dad is the one who instilled the love of reading in me. Like drawing, reading is something I started at a really young age, but it was when I was about 12 that Dad introduced me to the fascinating world of science fiction and fantasy. We share almost all our books (except the ones he's dubbed "
girly fantasy" and his collection of post-apocalyptic drivel)

Conan, however is a subject we always agree on - we share a collection of Savage Sword of Conan comics. He started collecting them the year I was born, though the collection is spotty - I try to fill in the missing issues when I come across them.
3) Some of you may know that I am a writer - though I work in marketing now (and do writing on the side. But my education is actually Journalism - I worked as a reporter for several years before moving to advertising and marketing.
4) I've always said that if I won the lottery- I'd finance an
archaeological dig. I've always been fascinated with history - and seriously considered getting a history degree - I just didn't know what I'd do with it and despite what my Dad says, I am practical.
5) I have no problem with the title "crazy cat lady". It's probably inevitable for me anyway. The only reason I have stopped is Dave. We have an agreement

If he gets another car (he has three) I get another cat. Of course, he can buy as many guitars as he likes as long as I can buy as many shoes as I like!
6) Samantha (Wilderness Witch) and I have been friends since I was 12 (she was 13)

She use to beat me up on the bus. The only way I could get her to stop was to be her friend. Almost two decades later.... I still can't get rid of her.......
7) At one time, my brother and I could recite every line of the Blues Brothers movie. We probably still could if we tried hard enough.
8) I love motorcycles and have always meant to get my "M" license and my own bike. One of these days I might actually get around to it.
9) I've always wanted a pet polar bear. I think polar bears are the most awesome bears ever! Of course, I've also fancied the idea of having a pet tiger, or panther, and of course a pet dragon....
Since this is not possible I have a collection of plush Coca Cola polar bears and dragon
stuffies... as for the big cats ...

well, Tux is a panther at heart.
10) I can't whistle. My niece Miss Pee could whistle at three-years-old. I still can't. It's embarrassing.
I'm suppose to pass the award on so here goes:
Minding my own stitches2)
Smoking Hot Needles3)
Just in the Knit of Time4)
Baa Baa Black Sheep5)
Drop stitch knitterTag - you're it!