Because I'd really like to know.
Wait - I know where it went - I want a do-over!
Monday I worked from bed because my back decided it wanted a day off. Of course, that doesn't mean I can take a day off.
Tuesday I worked a 14 hour day helping a colleague get some last minute
uber urgent work done.
Wednesday it was a 10 hour day. And Dave emailed me about the stone chip he got in his window that morning from a passing truck. Of course by the time he'd made the appointment to get it fixed and went down to his car to get something - the cold had cracked it all the way through. $300 later he's got a new windshield.
Thursday wasn't as long, but it was still more than the 7.5 hours I'm suppose to work. And then when I get home, my dishwasher decides to commit suicide. Fortunately, I stopped it before it lit the house on fire. Dave found the problem - a
melty wire. But it's currently in pieces taking up half my counter space until Dave has time to fix it. Since he's working all weekend - I suspect that will be Monday at the earliest.
AND - I haven't knit a stitch all week.
However - there is an upside of the week. My boss told me that if I even tried to come into work Friday, he'd boot me right out the door. So, I decided not to waste the gas trying, and instead Dave and I slept in until 11. Then I headed up to Mom's for a little Mommy-Daughter day. We had lunch, did some shopping, then came home and bothered my Dad for the evening.
So now it's the weekend and Dave's working both days. And that means - if I can get my house work done in a timely manner - I have hours and hours to do nothing but knit (and finish my
coworker's shawl)!
But before I head off to do just that - I do have one small
FO to show you.

It's for Dave but I had to model it because he refused. Last Friday he announced that he'd lost his hat(yet another). So I took some time out last weekend to whip this one up in some Tabby Cat Worsted, for just such an occasion. Nothing fancy - just a ribbed brim and
stocknit crown.
I finished it on Sunday and he absconded with it before I was able to take picture - I only got it off him again last night.
Oh and other other reason I had to model to get a decent shot....

There was now way I was getting one without the

...seriously. No way.