Wednesday, November 21, 2012

When in doubt - map it out!

While I usually live my life in a state of creative chaos, I'm actually fantastic at organization. I was looking at my list of  Christmas and birthday projects still left to do, and admittedly, I was getting a little worried. So -  time to whip out those organizational super-powers!

Today, using excel, I mapped out all the projects on my list (including ones I've already completed - just to make sure no one was missed, and give myself a little ego boost) Then I mapped out all the days until Christmas.

Then, I scheduled which projects I'll be working, on which days. Those are the little light blue and pink boxes (blue for projects worked over my lunch hour, pink for at home). This is just page one - the calendar goes all the way to December 31st.

Naturally, it's not set in stone, but it gives me a much better idea of what's left to do, and how much time I have left to accomplish it.

I'm feeling much better now. I'm sure something will come along to throw a screw into the works - but it's always nice to have a plan!


Samantha said...

Excel charts really turn me on. Mmm organization ...

Araignee said...


Knatolee said...

I am in awe of your organizational brilliance!

Anonymous said...

My DH had to come and read this post for himself and see your chart. He is very impressed. He LOVES to put things into EXCEL and try to organize me.

I do my best to throw that screw.

Delusional Knitter said...

I love Excel ... though you take it to a higher level than I usually do, LOL!!