I'm pretty much ready and so are the cats.
Tux has checked out all the presents...

Peno is keeping warm by the fire (or would be if I had a fire place.. so she's settled for a warm lamp)

And Rocky has snuggled into bed, waiting for Santa.

All I have left is some baking... I was going to do it this weekend, but Dave didn't buy his gramma a present, so most of my weekend was spent making her this...

It's Coronet from Knitty
I made a few modifications to the shaping, knit it on two needles instead of dpns ( I hate dpns)and added the tassles.
I made it in Caron Simple Soft Shadows. Very nice and I like tthe subtle effect you get with the colour
I'm now working on this for the girlfriend of Dave's friend Chris.

I gotta say, while I love how it looks, I'm not love knitting it. It's VERY tedious. Thank goodness there are only five stitches to a row and you get a lot of length in just a few rows.
We are going to see them on New Year's so I don't have to super-rush to get it done.
Well Merry Christmas to all...