These were made out of left over bits of mom's sock yarn... it's a great way to use it up and makes awesome booties... the pink ones are made from the Saarjtes pattern, and the rest are variations on that theme.
I've pretty busy with work which is why I've only had time for booties... but Mom and I did get a chance to play with dye again... it's a great way to spend a rainy afternoon... you can check our progress out here .... and in my defense - a little spray nine gets most of the dye off skin just fine and the rest washes off in a few days.
Getting some quality computer time has been difficult lately
It doesn't leave me much room to manouever the mouse!
...had a wicked awesome birthday party yesterday!
It was a lot of fun, even her newest, cutest baby wanted to party...... of course three seconds later, he dropped the bottle, it smashed on the groud and ended up with glass between his toes. (He was unharmed however... but for future reference, don't leave me alone with your babies, I'm totally irresponsible)
LYLAS Sammy!
It's been pretty hot here the past couple of days, and while I do have an air conditioner, it still gets pretty muggy on the first floor (air conditioner is upstairs)
When not flashing bum, the scene pretty much looks like this:
Clockwise from top left: Silk/Wool laceweight, 100 per cent alpaca fingering weight , Superwash sock yarn, superwash sock yarn and 100 per cent alpaca dk weight,. I couldn't wait to knit some of it up, so yep, I cast on yet another project.... I knit this hat up last night, and I am working on a pair of matching mitts right now... I know mittens in July.. but I wanted to knit something small and quick (and I only had one ball)
Keep your eye on this blog... I'll be launching a contest soon!
Rerarrange the living room so the TV stand is in front of the large window. I did this a couple of weeks ago and now my cats pretty much ignore me.
I also decided to plant them some grass so they'd stop eating my plants. At first it went over really well. They munched and munched and munched, leaving my peace lily alone. Then Rocky decided to have a dine-in lunch....
Now Rocky fits in the planter really well... he's a little long, but he's the right width. Tux however... ...has a little too much girth and it spills over the sides.
Now the grass is completely flattened and half dead adn they've gone back to eating my peace lily....