Amidst all the confusion of the Canada Post lock-out - Mom and I missed our anniversary!
On June 19, Wandering Cat Yarns turned two!!! And we totally forgot.
Since it's never too late to celebrate - here's a contest.
In honour of our Birthday - you can win your own Cheshire Cat Stripey sock kit!

The kit will contain one 400 yard skein of your choice of Alley Cat, Barn Cat or Top cat, hand dyed in Cheshire Cat Self Striping, as well as a 100 yard heel and toe skein dyed in either Slate (grey pictured) or Cheshire Aqua (again, your choice).

To enter, simply leave a comment before midnight on June 30, 2011. Winner will be chosen by random number generator on July 1, 2011 and announced here.
Good luck!
Happy anniversary!!!! Here's to many more years of great yarn and knitting. Hope to see this color in the store soon, sitting next to the wisteria!
Happy Anniversary!!! Here;s to many more years of yarn and knitting. I hope to see this new yarn in your shop soon, sitting next to the wisteria colored yarn!
Congratulations to you both! I have to say that I absolutely loved that colorway when I saw it. Isnt the Cheshire Cat great in that movie. Your sock yarn colors are always so beautiful!
would love to win this yarn; beautiful colours!
As a proud owner of three cats, how can I resist socks made from cat yarn? Linda
I am so lusting after that yarn! You dye such beautiful colour ways x
Gotta love a cheshire cat.
Congratulations on year #2! Here's to many more to come :)
Well, goodness! Please count me in!
Amazing colourway! I've wanted to try your yarn for such a long while. Monika raves about you and although she doesn't know it she has enabled me plenty of times!
I admit, I've never heard of that cat before! (before I've read about it on your blog that is)
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy belated anniversary! This postal lockout must suck for you guys, not being able to ship any purchases out. I'm very thankful that I had nothing coming in the mail, and all my stuff is direct deposit, lol.
me! me! I've been wanting to try your yarns for a while now, would LOVE to win the pretty stripey yarn!
Congratulations on your anniversary! What a wonderful two years and here's to many many more years of yarnie goodness! xoxox
Congrats on your anniversary. So glad you remembered. Would love either sock yarn. We have 4 kitties and each one has their own personality. Love it!
Andrea W.
Happy belated anniversary!
What a gorgeous colorway....but, so are all of your creations!
Happy Anniversay to both of you!!
Hope the strike ends quickly and in your benefit!
Congrats on your anniversary! That stripey yarn is gorgeous!
Wow, what a gorgeous match of dyeing to inspiration. Beautiful!
Happy Second Anniversary! I am on the prowl for Slinky!!
That yarn is gorgeous. Happy Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary and may you have many, many more! I love your yarn and sure wish I had more time to spend using it up!!!
Here's to many years to come! That yarn is amazing, but the Cheshire Cat picture is somewhat disturbing, don't you think?
catsnrabbits on Rav
I wanna win I wanna win I wanna win!
Happy Anniversary to
The Wandering Cats!
: )
Love, Pusstat!
Congrats on turning 2! Gorgeous yarn!
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for so much beautiful yarn!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary! May the year to come be even better!
Happy anniversary and I have so enjoyed reading your blog.
Love all of your yarn!
beautiful colorway!!!
me please?! :D :D
Congrats on two years! That is the most fantastic colorway ever!!! So very Cheshirey!!!
Happy Anniversary! I hope the Canada Post situation gets solved to the benefit of both sides. I use to live in Vancouver, Canada.
Happy second anniversary!
I love the colors in that yarn and the socks are spectacular. Here kitty, kitty.....
Happy second anniversary! Great giveaway, just love those colours.
woolyknitnsbits at live dot ca
Congrats on two years! That's fantastic, it's lovely to see a mother-daughter duo running a business in something so creative and fun.
LOVE those colorways and I haven't knit myself a pair of socks in forever, I should get on that.
Congratulations and wish you both many more years of knitting and yarn.
Happy Anniversary! Chesh is my fav Alice character!
Happy aniversary. Lovely yarn and beautiful colourways.
Happy anniversary... I wish the post office was back to work, so I can buy more yarn! :)
Happy 5th Anniversary!
Wow, your Cheshire cat yarn looks amazing! I'm in!
commenting from Germany! hehe. flying back to Tennessee on Friday! Found you through the blog I so love by Smoking Hot Needles!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy annibirthday!
Happy anniversary! Love the Cheshire cat, love the fiber, love your blog.
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