Despite being Sunday - the sun has been notably absent. Rain clouds have hovered since morning, but not a drop has fallen.

Tux declared it was a good day to stay inside and relax.
It was hard to disagree, so we've been snuggled up on the couch, knitting (well I've been knitting, Tux has been doing what Tux does best - napping and hogging the afghan).
And what have I been knitting?

A new design for fingerless mitts.
These are a going-away present for my department's intern. She's a bright young woman studying Journalism and Creative Writing at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. Friday is her last day with the company, then she heads back east to begin her second year of studies.
Pictured is the first mitt. I just have the thumb left on the second mitt to do, but I have a pile of ironing to tackle first (so naturally, I'm blogging and putting off the ironing as long as possible)

These are knit in our House Cat, and they should keep her toasty warm and fashionable when the cold wind comes off the Atlantic. I expect to have the pattern available for you all by the end of the week.
In addition to knitting, it's also been a good day for laundry (hence the ironing) and something I don't make very often.

Stew. Dave loves it, but I'm not a huge stew fan - but I'm trying to cook healthier and more frugal.
This meal fit the bill on both counts. It used up left over steak from last night's dinner (which was really too tough to enjoy as steak) and is nothing but veggies, meat and a nice thick gravy broth.
I've been getting good use out of my slow-cooker lately. My parents gave it to me for Christmas a few years back, and I barely touched it. My brother (who inherited all Mom's cooking talent) loves his and uses it frequently.
While it does make cooking easy in the "set-it-and-forget-it" fashion, it does require forethought. Planning has never been my forte, I'm much more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl.
However, I'm making the effort to think ahead. Two weeks ago we enjoyed a nice beef roast. Last weekend it was pork roast and apple sauce.
This stew was put together as I was cleaning the kitchen last night, then tucked in the fridge until morning. We got up, popped it in the slow cooker, and voila - dinner was ready promptly at 5 p.m. Not a bad deal, if you can remember to plan ahead!
What are you favourite slow-cooker meals?