After a brief moment of contemplation this weekend, I realized sometimes I am a very lucky girl.
And this time my luck is coming in the form of free yarn! (and who doesn't think getting free yarn is damn lucky?)
First -- last weekend
Mom and I stopped at my grandparents. My grandma had been going through her stash, and came across 10 balls of Bouquet Softee in a lovely peach, yellow and cream mix. Deciding she wasn't going to use it all, she asked me if I could use it. She kept three balls for herself (to make a baby set for a friend of my uncle's) and gave me the other seven.
After finishing up my elephants and a couple socks, I cast on for
Serenity earlier this week.

The subtle colours are perfect for the cabled pattern. This will, of course, be going to Dave's friends for their new baby, but I am thinking about extending the pattern and making one for myself. It's so pretty and relatively easy too.
Then, earlier this week, mom offered me some Patons Beehive Baby Sport. She wasn't too fond of knitting with it (it's really splitty) so I got two balls in a pretty red/pink/yellow mix.

Last night I cast on for
Little Sister's Dress, which is an absolutely adorable pattern. This is also for Dave's friends baby, but I think I may make one for my niece as well. It's way too cute and so easy to do. Someone on Ravelry has done it with the yoke and hem in green and the body in white and it's adorable.
Mom also gave me two more ball of this yarn in a more mauve colourway, but I haven't decided what to do with it yet.
But the wonderful yarnness isn't done yet.
On Friday I accompanied mom to Coldwater (near Barrie) to my great aunt's funeral. It's always an interesting event when my entire family gets together, and while it was a sad occasion, we always seem to make the best of it.
Mom and I took my Grandma on a side trip to the Purple Sock, a little yarn store in Coldwater. While there I fell in love with a huge hank of Fiddlesticks Wool Silk yarn.

So Mom bought it for me (I have a feeling it was a bribe so I wouldn't tell Dad how much she spent on all the other yarn she bought that day.)

And Rocky promptly claimed it as his own and made a nest out of it.
I'm still debating on what to do with it, but I'm open to suggestions on simple but pretty shawl patterns.
And as if that weren't enough, my Grandma was also given a huge stash of yarn that belonged to my Great Aunt. She invited
Jenn and I over on Saturday and we sorted through it all an split it up. I ended up with a garbage bag full, as well as several afghan squares that just need to be sewn together.
What a week.... and now it looks like I have some serious stash busting to do!