I intended to have some knitting to show you today.
Something like some amazing progress on Dad's second sock.
As I mentioned yesterday, there was a road trip in the cards today. Dave is a bit of a
Kijiji nut, and found a great deal on a projector screen, which he wants for his studio at work. The catch - it was in
Belleville - a good 3.5 hours from here. But even when you factored in the gas - it was still a really good deal.
So, when he mentioned it, I thought - no biggie - that's seven hours of knitting time for me.... right?
When he hauled my butt out of bed at 5:30 a.m. this morning (after only four measly hours of sleep) I got to thinking (amazing that my brain functions that early in the morning), the projector screen is seven feet long. He drives a swanky, leather-filled sedan, I drive a beat-up cola-stained wagon. While his car is slightly larger, my car is built for cargo.
Either way, I knew it would be going right from the trunk to in between the fronts seats of the car, and there's a lot more room to maneuver awkward parcels in my car than his. And, in the event it was too big and awkward for inside - my car has roof racks.
Dave's car doesn't.
I guess I'm driving.
Now some of you are thinking "why didn't you let Dave drive your car?"
The answer. We don't do that. Never really have. The only time I've driven his car is if he's drunk, or otherwise unable to. The only time he drives my car is if there is something wrong with it and I want him to hear what it sounds likes. It's weird. To us, cars are very personal things - almost like lending someone your tooth brush. And it's not just Dave, I don't like anyone driving my car.
She's ugly as sin, doesn't go very fast, but she's mine. Don't touch.
So, I drove. Three and a half hours there. Three and a half hours back. No knitting.
I considered punishing him by stopping in at the Toronto Knitter's Frolic on the way home, but by the time we hit T.O., the weather was really sour and I was really starting to feel the lack of sleep.
We got home about 1:30 p.m. and I crashed, crawled back out of bed at 7. Went and got my groceries, and now I'm making dinner.
No knitting.
How 'bout a kitty?