This weekend kind of got away from me. As always, I have all kinds of grand plans to fill two days, and as usual, those plans went askew - but not in a bad way...
Plan 1. Clean!My fridge, my studio are both in a dire need of a good cleaning. I've been putting them both off in favour of "easier" tasks. But I swore this weekend I would do at least one of them. Saturday, I figured I'd gear up with some "regular" cleaning first (kinda like stretching before exercise). As I was cleaning the front hall, Tux came over and started yelling at the door. I opened it so he could look out.
Upon opening it, I discovered sunshine and warmth! SPRING!!! I wasn't about to pass that up, so Tux, Rocky and I (and eventually Dave) went outside to enjoy it.
While the boys poked around under the rose bushes, Dave and I cleaned out all the debris that had gathered over the winter.... newspapers, garbage, leaves. I uncovered a bumper crop of grape hyacinths, some crocuses and even a few tulips that were hiding out under the leaf litter. Nothing is in bloom yet, but now that they can get some sunshine, Im sure it wont be long.
I didn't bother with the annual
clear-cutting yet, but it was nice just to get rid of the garbage. Of course, after all that fresh air, I was just too tired to get to the fridge or the studio.
Plan 2. Cook something new!I don't cook much during the week, so I always like to cook at least one "special" meal on the weekend. This little plan was far more productive than expected. Normally, I buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but the bone-in ones were on sale so I picked up four. I got the brilliant idea to put two together, creating a little cavity I can fill with stuffing. I love stuffing, but only get it on holidays.
Calls were made to Dad for his recipe (he's the stuffing master) and the stuffing was made... only to discover there was far too much stuffing for my two little chicken breasts.... so I took out a third and the problem was solved. Except now... I have a crap load of chicken!!!!
What to do??? Make soup of course!

Now I don't really enjoy cooking (I just do it because I haven't figured out a way to convince Mom to come cook for me every night) but I do love chopping things (what can I say, I've always loved wielding knives), so anything that was in the fridge, pretty much got chopped up and put into my soup... tomatos, red pepper, mushrooms, onions, carrots, asparagus....and of course, CHICKEN!
I was chopping and stirring, chopping and stirring. I think I could actually grow to enjoy soup making.... it's just too bad I don't like soup.... (Mom and Dad got some, and the rest is in the freezer for Dave)....
Plan 3. Complete a knitAs you know, I made a resolution to not have more than five WIPs at any time. I was at my limit, so my plan was to at least get one project down... ankle socks should fly right off the needles right?
Instead I cast on for a NEW project....
In my defense, it's not my fault. It's Mom's. She's the one who wanted to order the yarn...

Our new Aristocat. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS YARN. Single Ply (LOVE!), DK weight, wool/alpaca/silk (LOVE!) in a soft buttery yellow with touches of pink... colour is Champagne Kisses.

It's being turned into a modified
"Pretty Thing". I've added two extra repeats so it will be more like a snood. Have I mentioned that I love this yarn? (Visions of Aristocat sweaters are dancing in my head....) There's still some in the shop if you want to love it too!