Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who needs human kids?

"Hey mooooooooooooooom...... can we go outside and play????"

"Sigh. Fine, but only until the streetlights come on."

"Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!!!""Oooh look - lawn buffet!!!"
"Hey, Peno! You wanna come out too?"

"Ummmmmmmmm. No. Definitely. Not."
"I is in yur garden eetin all your plantz!"


pendie said...

Isn't that the truth; they are just like kids. About as easy to rationalize with as well; maybe easier because if they argue you can just pick them up and put them somewhere else!

Delusional Knitter said...

They do have some perks human kids don't ... if they are really aggravating you, you can lock them in a room or leave them home alone for hours and hours and not face abuse charges :o)

Knatolee said...

"Where's mah catnip?!"

gayle said...

And they probably never write on the walls with crayon...