Thursday, September 18, 2014

Well that's not a poppy...

With the weather cooling off, my gardens are winding down... but the plant that originally I thought was a poppy, then a black-eyed susan just keeps growing.
I've been waiting and waiting for it to bloom to see what it is. It's getting there..
I hate waiting.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to bring some of my recent botanical success inside.
I know most of you think I have a fantastic green thumb... but only when it comes to outdoor plants. Indoor plants I murder with abandon. But I love orchids, and I've wanted one for a very long time...
They were on sale at the grocery store and I just couldn't resist. Hopefully I can keep it alive... and away from a certain someone
He certainly doesn't look like a vegetarian.. but he loves his house-plant salad.


Anonymous said...

Okay . . I TOTALLY read the title wrong. The plant doesn't look like "poopy" either. LOL

What a beautiful orchid. I've not seen one quite that color before.

I doubt the kitty will bother it. The leaves are kind of leathery. Shelby never did bother the orchids and she had plenty of opportunity. She preferred the palms out on the porch. LOL

kathy b said...

I have two lone bamboo plants that are on the mantel ….so far they have lived for several years without anyone munching on them.
I received a spider baby plant for my birthday and so far its on the piano with no takers……
FLowers are always a failure in my house unless they are on my wall hanger which they cannot get to!

Araignee said...

Flowers never last around here. I wake up to a massacre every time. That one beautiful orchid. I'll keep my fingers crossed for it.

Rachelle said...

I always loved cyclamen for indoor plants; gave up any inside once the boys arrived though, much worse than cats for knocking things over.
That orchid is lovely; hope it does survive.