Saturday, July 25, 2015

Meet Victor

Since summer began, Dave's been complaining about all the flies I let into the house. But really, it's not me - it's Peno. She doesn't like to be outside with the door shut....

Anyway, since it was his birthday on Monday, and since I'm incredibly sarcastic, I got him a little something extra with his present...
Yep, that's a Venus Fly Trap. And I have named him Victor. I had to go out and buy him a jug of distilled water because apparently our fancy tap water has too many minerals in it and they will kill him. I could collect rainwater, but we haven't had much rain, so I picked up a big jug of water in the automotive department of Canadian Tire. (I'm sure I could have gotten it somewhere else, but I knew I'd find it right next to the coolant, and I was there buying new fuses for Stella... I really spend too much time tinkering with my car...sigh...)
Anyway, other than the special water, caring for Victor is pretty much the same as my orchids. Keep him moist but not soaking.

So far he hasn't caught any flies (not that Dave's given him a chance... that man seems to live with the fly swatter in his hand lately...) but I'm sure he will when he gets a little bigger. And don't worry about him going all Little Shop of Horrors and eating the cats...
He's still pretty darn tiny... we've got a long way to go before I start hearing "Feed me, Seymour!"


Unknown said...

That's quite the plant! I don't think I've ever seen one in the garden shops around here. Very apropos for his gift. LOL

WildflowerWool said...

LOL great gift!

Anonymous said...

Come to the DARK SIDE......we have meat eating plants!!!!

I have two (a sarracenia and a nepenthes) ---- I just love freaky plants.

Hi to Victor --- I hope he has a very happy life catching flies!

kathy b said...

You make me laugh. We are having a horrible fly issue this week. Hmmm we can't find any dead bodies, human, squirrel or bird under the deck of the porch, but Zach was gifted an enormous blooming orchid plant and I suspect they hatched from it somehow. It is now OUTSIDE to remain outside and I've hung paper fly traps just today. The cats have been entertained and caught and ate a few flies. but really? Where are they coming from.?
I love your venus fly trap. Zach already has a pitcher plant on the porch which has a stick inside to catch plants. and it hasn't caught a one all summer...sigh

Araignee said...

Oh...that is a scary looking plant. I haven't seen one in ages. We don't seem to get a lot of flies here in the woods but mosquitoes-that's another story. I wish I had a plant that ate those. Our bats don't seem to be doing their job.

Rachelle said...

My youngest loves those things, spent the summer we had one lovingly catching flies and feeding them to it. Unfortunately it didn't survive the winter and I've not been able to find another one.

gayle said...

I love Victor! I hope he is diligent in the execution of his duties. (Eat well, Victor!)