Sunday, October 15, 2017

Unexpected journey

I was planning on having a nice quiet weekend at home, but Saturday morning, we got a call from Dave's uncle, and next thing I new I was packing up for a trip to Long Point for the day. I forgot my camera, but I did bring my knitting.
And I managed to get half a sock done before it got too dark to knit.

I also sweet talked Dave into a quick side trip to Port Dover. There's a really big Lens Mills there. I needed a washable pen for my quilting, but they also have  a HUGE selection of fat quarters.
I didn't have a lot of time, but a few pretty pink prints, as well as the Hello Kitty fabrics jumped out at me. Mom and I have plans to go back soon... I need more time to sort through the selection!


Araignee said...

I love the colors in that sock and as for those pink quarters....wowza. So much fun in one place!

Cat Lover said...

Unexpected trips can be so much fun. Your sock looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

ALWAYS buy the Hello Kitty!!!!! LOL

chrisknits said...

Yay for fabric shopping!! The colors in that sock are gorgeous.

Meredith said...

Well done on arranging the trip so you could get some wonderful things.

Delighted Hands said...

Nothing like a good day trip to get some knitting done! The sock is so pretty!
What a great selection of fat quarters! You can do so much with them! Yay!
(How did the cats do while you were gone all day?!)

The Well Fed Wheel said...

What pray tell is the colorway of that's gorgeous!! Way to pull off a side trip to a fabric store too. I'm impressed! ;-)

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Good things can come from an unexpected trip. That sock is gorgeous by the way.

Have a wonderful week,

Eastside Cats said...

Hope that Dave's uncle is okay!