Despite knitting my fingers to the bone all weekend, I finally admitted defeat at 10 p.m. last night.
There are just eight rows left - and I probably could have gotten them done by midnight, but it was really the thought of the i-cord cast off that follows that did me in - who knows how long that's going to take.
I do want to get it off the needles though, as I'm itching to get back to Fable. Mom and I are going to Knit Camp in just a few weeks, and it would be really nice to have it to wear.
Oh, and there is another baby to add to the baby boom... this one in November! Sigh. When will people learn cats are better?
Speaking of which...
Now that my kids are grown, I can definitely say cats are better!
I spent all morning preparing for some serious baby knitting myself. It's a great change from giant shawls but it is so hard to decide on what to make when there are so many adorable patterns out there. My printer is dead from all the patterns I printed out today.
I can't wait to see the Haruni. I am pretty sure that is going to be this year's MD Sheep and Wool shawl so I am looking forward to hearing all about yours!
It is always such a temptation to stay up late and finish, but I usually wind up making a lot of mistakes that way. Better to leave it to the next day, even if you do want it to be done.
I did the Haruni shawl, but I don't remember an I-cord edging at all. Hmm.
Your cats like to sleep so close to each other?
Cats are cheaper than kids too and pretty happy to please! love the photo ...three little kitties all in a row .
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