Sunday, February 7, 2016

The countdown is on

The plague is finally abating. While I was couch-bound for most of it, I didn't have the energy for much knitting.

In fact, it took me several days to finish what should have only been a couple...
One half of a pair of fingerless gloves to go with Dave's  Valentines hat. I've wanted to make him a pair of fingerless for a very long time. He always complains about having cold hands when driving in the winter, but refuses to  wear gloves  (I've bought him a couple nice pairs of leather ones) because they change his grip on the steering wheel and he doesn't like that.

Fingerless should be an ideal compromise... and there's really no good reason that I haven't knit a pair before now.

Obviously, they are little big on my bony hands, but they should be just perfect for his piano fingers. (Another bonus - he can play his guitar outside in the winter!)

Now I've just got to finish the second one before next Sunday.


Minding My Own Stitches said...

Play guitar outside in winter? Let us know if that happens!
Nice manly gloves though, and good to hear that you're on the mend!

kathy b said...

Great job. I have finger issues with the joint yours are perfect

Anonymous said...

That sounds doable!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

elns said...

Wow those look great! I am intimidated by the fingers in the fingerless gloves. Now, fingerless mitts? all day no problem, hehe.