Friday, June 13, 2014


As I mentioned, Auburn wave is nearing the end. I'm hoping to finish it up tonight.

Last night after work, while the furry kids were enjoying their evening excusion, I settled on the back step with it and got a few more rows done. This week has been pretty hectic, so there hasn't been as much knitting as I would like. It was nice to take a few moments and just chill with it.
Yes, my legs are still that white - I can run around all summer
bare-legged and they will still be that white in September...
And yes, that's pretty much what Rocky does when he goes out. He yowls, and yowls and yowls to be out - and once he gets there, he flops. Oh, he'll try to catch Bunbun if he comes by, and he spends five minutes chewing on the lawn so he can spew it up later, but mostly, he sits.

Tux isn't much better...
... of course after losing a leg, I think he's earned the right...
And Peno just does Peno stuff...
"Tux says there are no monsters out here, but I don't believe him..."
Which mostly entails eating the lawn as well, and eyeing the birds with distrust. The ears cocked back is because somethign flew over her head and she's sure it wants to eat her. She usually lasts about 10 minutes before running back inside.

But heaven forbid I don't let them out when I get home from work...

Anyway, Auburn Wave is looking good...
Fat cat included for scale
 ...and with any luck, you'll be seeing an FO post this weekend.
"I am not fat... I'm just big boned..."


WildflowerWool said...

Great pictures - cats and shawl!

Araignee said...

My legs are glow in the dark white and stay that way all summer.

Unknown said...

Chillin' on the back porch with the cats is a perfect place to knit a few more rows!! The shawl is very, very pretty! I like all the pictures of your curious, but satisfied kitties...