As mentioned, I'm still working away on Lestrange.
I am about half way through the final piece and I am desperate to get it done.
How desperate you ask?
Desperate enough that I've started taking it to work with me so I can sneak in a few rows over lunch.
That's not desperate you say...
Well I'm desperate enough that when I noticed a HUGE error, I refused to rip it back.
You see - there are two sets of leaves and they are supposed to shift, so the second row is tucked between the first row. But somehow I shifted the pattern and now the leaves are stacked.
And this is how desperate I am - as soon as I noticed I thought... "passed the point of no return!" and just kept knitting
Come hell or high water... Lestrange will be off the needles by Saturday!
You are the boss of your knitting you know! GO for stacked leaves
It's not an error, it's a change to the original design.
If you can't see it from a galloping horse, it's not a mistake that needs ripping. Not sure where I heard that but I tell it to myself all the time.
Oh, wow. You ARE desperate to finish!! LOL!
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