Monday, May 30, 2016

Socks and suprises

As mentioned, there hasn't been a whole lot of knitting going on lately. My attention has been elsewhere.. obviously. But I have managed to put a few more rows on Dave's birthday socks
I'm down the leg, past the heel and onto the gusset. I've got plans for some other garments, but for now, the vanilla sock is suiting my mood.

And while I was photographing the sock, something caught my attention over by the fence.
 One lone juicy strawberry. I wasn't expecting to see any berries for a least a few more weeks, but I guess all the warm, sunny weather sped things up. It was small, but delicious - and I'm looking forward to getting some bigger ones from the local farms soon too!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the berry. The ones that Steve bought were delicious. We just had to eat them quickly. They went soft VERY quickly.

Dave's sock is looking great. That's a pretty color combo.

Katherine said...

I loved that you said it was delicious! I was going to ask if you let it be or if you ate it. I would have had that baby in my mouth so fast....

Unknown said...

Love the kitty stuff, the socks and the strawberry!!! Hope the kitty continues to get braver and joins the family for real.

Araignee said...

Mmmmm....nothing better than something you grew yourself. We had some of The Mister's kale that he is growing at his mom's. It was delish-but not as yummy as a berry for sure!

WildflowerWool said...

Yay for strawberry season!