Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sad cat, bad cat

Rocky is not a happy kitty.
Not only is there still snow on the ground (he did go out today, but not for very long, and he had to step around piles of the cold wet stuff) but he's missing Dave.

This happens every time Dave heads off to the cottage. You'd think Rocky would be happy enough about being able to stay in the bedroom all night.... but nope. He just wants his person back. He sulks, and he howls. He searches for Dave then he sulks, and he howls some more. And in between all that...
He picks on his sister....

How much longer until the weekend....?


Araignee said...

That's how Pup is. She sits in the window and pouts until The Mister comes home. She has no idea that she is MY dog. :(

Rachelle said...

Ray does the same when I'm away, took two days before she'd let Dh feed her while I was in hospital. Star doesn't care, she prefers my lap but she'll take what she can get.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Peno is having NONE of his fooleywang!!! She might just smack back!

Unknown said...

Our youngest pup was upset that Hubster was gone overnight this week. He laid on the floor in the doorway to the bedroom facing the garage door, just waiting for his dad to come home. They are so attached, it's understandable their misery when their person is gone.