Monday, January 30, 2017

Sowing the seeds of love

So far, we've had a ridiculously mild winter. Most days above freezing and barely any snow.

Just how mild is it?
Mild enough that the daisies have started sprouting.

I'm sure we'll get hammered with cold and snow through February and March, but all this mild weather just gets me over excited for spring. I'm trying to curb my enthusiasm... and failing. The other day we were out running errands and I made Dave stop at the hardware store so I could check out their seed display.
 Like KathyB, I am trying out winter sowing. Also like her, I've opted for Hollyhocks and Lupins.  I started some Lupins last year, and only a few made it, so it won't hurt to try some more. Hollyhocks have always been one of my favourites. We had a stand of them at the house I grew up in - deep dark red and growing up in front of the diningroom window.
 I've tried and failed with both Chives and Sweet Peas, so maybe winter sowing will give me better luck.
The Butterfly mix contains:  Alyssum, Daisies, Bachelor Buttons, Milkweed, Candytuft, Columbine, Coneflowers, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Scarlet Flax, Marigolds, Poppies,and Wallflowers. Some of those I have already, of course, but it never hurts to have more. 

And the iceland poppies.... I've had mixed results with poppies. The first ones I planted from seed didn't make it. I got some from the garden cnetre two years ago, but they didn't survive being moved. The ones I bought last year seem more robust, but they didn't bloom. I hope they make it, but we'll see if the winter sow method works for this batch.
And you know how I love sunflowers. Last year was disappointing, so maybe winter sowing will give me some sturdier plants. I went for the mammoth yellow, as well as some Teddy Bear, and Indian Blanket versions, because they are just so pretty!

Of course, none of this provides me with actual blooms right now... so for instant gratification, I picked up a few things from the grocery store
 It may be cloudy and dreary outside, but these sunny tulips cheer up indoors!
I don't have a lot of luck with African Violet, but a coworker has a beautiful one at work. So that's where this one is going... to my office... and hopefully, my coworker can give me some tips on keeping it alive!

And this.... this is something I've wanted for a very long time!!!
A Pussy Willow. Mom and I tried to root some cuttings last year, but they didn't take.  And this Pussy Willow isn't just any Pussy Willow...
It's a Weeping Pussy Willow! I'll share pictures as all the little catkins bloom because it's going to look quite spectacular.  It can be planted in the garden, though I think I'm going to keep this one in a pot (albeit bigger than it has now). While we have no plans to move  anytime soon, this is a rental property and I'd hate to have to leave it behind.

I've got lots more planned.... and it's very hard to keep it all in check until spring!


Samantha said...

I think I still have some chives in my front gardens. I'll dig some up for you in the spring. :)

Delighted Hands said...

When I lived up north, the Spring bug bit in January/February when it seemed like it was never going to stop being dreary and cold. Enjoy your blooms and the Pussy Willow is perfect!

Vera said...

Love all your choices. And the weeping pussy willow! I have never seen that variety - love it.

The Well Fed Wheel said...

Excellent choices and I hope you have success with all of them. Very appropriate post title too. ;-)

Araignee said...

We've got snow today but my pink camellia is in bloom. This has been one crazy winter.

kathy b said...

Oh Im happy you and I are in this together! The lady in the store who told me about Winter sowing said it only works with perennials . I think you could try with annuals, but I dont know about sunflowers.....Ahhh go ahead! I would LOVE a pussy willow plant. I hear they like wet feet. Fireman and I are planning to have pots of flowers on our deck. I do see deer in the yard in the middle of the night when I peer out the window. We'll have to see how that goes. I do NOT see any rabbits here. They used to eat all my seedlings in our old home near Chicago. So fingers and green thumbs crossed!