I recently wrote an article on easy ways to cheer yourself up for one of our magazines - one of the suggestions was to, essentially, count your blessings... instead of focusing on the bad things that happened, write down all the good things, no matter how small.
Last week was a pretty crappy week
workwise, so I decided today was a good time to take my own advice:
Good thing one: Lazy mornings
Since neither Dave nor I had to rush into work this morning, we slept in - I spent a good portion of the morning snuggled up to his warmth, listening to his snoring (which is really more like an adorable purr) and the sound of the rain. I can't think of a much better way to start a Monday.
Good thing two: Laundry surprises
Like any couple, Dave and I have our issues - some big, some small. But there are tonnes of little things I love about him. One of the things I love is folding laundry and finding his underpants mixed in with mine - yep, it's silly and
school-girlish, but I love it.
Good thing three: Wee
kend knit-a-
thonWhile I did have to work Saturday, Dave spent most of the weekend at his cottage - and when he did come here on Sunday, he was so
hung over worn out, we spent the whole day relaxing and watching movies. Which meant I had Friday and Saturday night and all day Sunday to finish Travelling Woman Shawl
This was a great knit. If you're looking for a last minute gift and have a weekend to devote - this is it! I added an extra repeat of chart A, so mine is 52 inches wide.
And the yarn..... I know if any of you could feel this yarn, it'd be flying out of the shop. Please take my word for it, this is the most scrumptious yarn you will ever find!!!!!! The fabric it creates is light and lofty... so silky... I seriously want to make a nightie or undies out of this... it's THAT nice.
Good thing four: Lap Cats
Peno sat in my lap for the first time this weekend.
r those who don't know,
Peno came from a rescue. She was live trapped as a feral kitten, and spent three years in the rescue. No one wanted her because she was so timid. The first three weeks she spent with me were spent under the bed. She only came out when I wasn't home (I know she came out because the food was eaten and there were never any messes out side the box)
She still hides when company comes, but over the past three years, she's become quite a noisy, pushy little pest... a far cry from the scared little thing she was. But, she has never been fond of being picked up (she will let me though, as long as she knows I'll put her down when she asks) and she's never been a lap cat... until Sunday morning when she climbed in my lap, did a silly little cat dance and laid down purring. It didn't last more than 10 minutes... but it's progress!
Good thing five: Free time
The dishes are done, the house is clean (or as clean as it's gonna get today) and I have the rest of the evening to knit!
What are your little good things?