One of my editors is bearing the brunt of it and was saying she needed something to take her mind off the chaos. Of course, I suggested knitting.
So, the lessons began yesterday:

All in all, it worked out. Just look at the smile on her face. All I kept hearing this afternoon when we went back to work was "I don't want to work - I want to knit." And as I left today she was knitting - the presses were having issues to she had to wait around to send her publication out. But she was SMILING!
Now Dave hasn't been here all week, so I have to go do my own dishes... then it's off the bath, book and bed!
Knitting is a great way to relieve stress, that's for sure. But if things get too bad you gotta be careful - knitting needles can be deadly weapons should someone snap! lol!
When you can't beat 'em, you might as well join 'em!
Yes, yes, do the good work! More converts!
Yes! This is why we knit! And this is how I survive stressful meetings :)
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