But enough of my whining - despite feeling too short, this weekend was a very productive one. While I was a little concerned my self imposed Summer of the Second Sock challenge was going to be a bit of a flop, it actually went pretty well. With only a few days left to spare, I finished up two second socks this weekend!
First - my Traffic Island socks

Immediately after, I cast on for the second Spice Trader sock...

I still have two pairs that require second socks, but one - Dave's Moody Blues Socks - are probably going to get frogged - I think they are too big. They are for Christmas, so I'm not in any rush to get them done.
As for the other pair - I'm not sure where I put the yarn for the second sock, or if I'll even have enough. It was the end of a cone, and I think I'll be cutting it really close if I ever do find it - so they may never get finished.
Since I've pretty much got my sock WIPs done, what am I to knit now?
Well I still have three shawls to complete the 10 Shawl Challenge - and consequently I do have three shawls on the needles - but....
....I've been finding myself in a sweater mood lately. This weekend notwithstanding (it's gross and humid again) we've enjoyed some gorgeous weather lately - with just a hint of autumn in the air - and I've been thinking about sweaters - lots and lots of sweaters.
I have yarn set aside for several:
* I have some lovely Purpley/Red RYC Cashsoft for Debbie Bliss' Empire Line Cardigan
* The Mauve Diamond Luxury Merino I bought at the Tent Sale last week is perfect for the Honeybee Cardigan
* And I'm sorely tempted to steal the Dark Green Baruffa Merino Otto I bought for Dave to make myself Vinelle
And I also have sweater amounts in Lousia Harding Kashmir (Sun Yellow), Regia Silk 6-Ply (Forest Green), Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK (Burgundy), and Debbie Bliss Cathay (Apple Green).
And despite having all that yarn - you probably won't be surprised to learn that I just dyed up some Fluffy Cat to make Fable.

I created a new colour called Figgy Pudding for this one - it's at Mom's drying, but I promise I'll give you a sneak peek soon.
And, since I can't cast on for Fable until my yarn is dry, I'm being a good girl. I've picked up my Sloppy Sweater again. I'd definitely like to have it done before the cooler weather hits - and it's so mindless I should be able to breeze through what's left of it (front and two sleeves.)
Dave's gone to the cottage for the week - it's his last bit of time off before the school year starts again. While it's lonely without him, it means plenty of uninterrupted knitting time... now if only I could do something about my day job too....