It's hard to believe that my staycation is already half over. It's a good thing today was a pretty productive one, otherwise, I'd be feeling bad.
First up, I finished the Silver Cardigan.
It's an absolutely adorable knit. When I started with the purple Fat Cat, my intentions were to use little yellow star buttons I had in my stash. The yellow didn't quite jive when I switched to the red yarn, but I had some little white hearts that would have worked. However, they weren't quite what I wanted. I started looking around and was almost sold on some little lady-bug buttons, but in the end - I really wanted this project to be a total stash project - so I dove back into the button jar and came out with these shiny red ones. I think they are much more classic than lady-bugs would have been.
After finishing the cardigan, there was a trip to the mail box where I found some yarn...
Gedifra Angora Merino. Now, I know I'm on a stashdown, but Nora's mom specifically requested booties and a bonnet in blue Angora, if I could manage it. She's already outgrown the little angora set I made her this spring. Since I didn't have any blue angora left - I had to seek an outside source.
There was another surprise in the mailbox too - this one for Dave.

The pants I ordered for the ceremony. This was a bit of a tricky one.
Dave's not the type to wear dress pants (he won't be wearing a tie either). And if I'm honest, they don't really suit him. I could force him into a pair for the ceremony - but I'd rather he be comfortable.
I think back to my brother's beach wedding - where he wore shorts and a short-sleeve dress shirt and it suited his personality so well. I wanted to do something similar for Dave.
So, after scouring the internet - I came across these funky pinstripe pants. The boot-cut with zipper, and skull buttons (which you can't see), give these pants just enough rock-n-roll umph - I think they are perfect for Dave.
Once the excitement of mail call was over, I tackled my housework - one chore of which was to clean out the cupboard under the stairs. There were no little boy-wizards hanging out in mine, but I did manage to get everything tidy and create easy access to my sewing machine.
You see - one of my main goals this week is to finish a project that has been lingering for years...
My quilt. I've had the top done forever - it just needed to be layered, pinned and quilted. So, after cleaning my pantry, I got to the layering and pinning. Hopefully I can quilt it on Friday, and finish the binding on Saturday. If I can managed that, I'll count this staycation a success!
And, as you can see - Tux felt the need to help. I really didn't want his help - and actively discouraged it. But Tux is a stubborn kitty.
Of course, it's hard to stay mad at him when he's so darn snuggly.
I think he likes having me home for afternoon naps!