Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Garden cat gardens.

It's been almost a week since we officially took Relic in and got him all fixed up. He's adapted to the change in circumstance beautifully.

He goes out every morning after breakfast. He does go off on little jaunts, but he really still spends most of his time sleeping on the patio chairs. When he gets hungry, he sits on the back step until I notice him and let him in. At first, he'd just eat and run, but now, more often than not, he has a little cat nap before heading out in the great outdoors.By 9 pm he's usually in for the night, which he spends alternating between snuggles with me and Dave.

And when I'm outside in my gardens, he confident enough to be a full-time snoopervisor - even out front!
I took some time on Sunday to get my spring bulbs planted and Relic followed me right from the back yard to the front. That's something he's never done before. While I dug and planted, he made himself comfortable...
Unfortunately, it was on my kneeling mat, so I ended up with sore, dirty knees... but hey - at least Relic was happy!


kathy b said...

Cats and gardens. the best photos. I love yours

Anonymous said...

I have laid in bed with my legs going numb because a certain someone looked comfortable ...too comfortable to move him. LOL

Relic certainly is a handsome fellow.

Vera said...

So glad you've adopted him - he is a sweetie for sure. and cute!!

Bridget said...

Well that's really all that matters - when the snoopervisor is happy, everyone is, right??


Delighted Hands said...

Wonderful!!!! I love how we make sacrifices for our cats! My mom used to push them out of her chair-I let them sleep and pick another one! Cats rule!

Eastside Cats said...

Relic has decided that he's the boss when you are in the garden! LOL!

Cat Lover said...

Relic is so handsome! So glad he has adjusted so quickly.

chrisknits said...

Aw, so precious.

bittenbyknittin said...

A happy cat is the sign of a happy home!

Araignee said...

He's a very pretty boy!

Patty said...

So glad you adopted this fella! I am in the process of adopting an outside cat too! I think he was abandoned and has not been on his own very long. Do you have any tips that will help when I introduce him inside to my other two cats? Your crew seem to do quite well together.