It feels like all I write about any more is Tux and blanket squares.... and yup... this is a Tux post.
I got home from work this evening, looking forward to an evening of birthday shopping with Dave(my birthday is not for two weeks, but he likes to get it out of the way before the stores get too crazy.) But as soon as I opened the door, I walked into a crime scene... blood spatter from the couch, into the kitchen, down the hall, up the stairs, and back out into the hall where Tux was laying in his bed looking rather pathetic. (As an aside, it's a good thing I'm not one of those people panic and/or can't handle the sight of blood, because baby... there was a lot!)
He'd sprung a leak - first one in several days. It must have been just before I got home too - the growth was still oozing and most of the blood on the floor was still wet. I got the bleeding stopped, and cleaned him up - then got to work attending to the other felines (ie serving dinner) - they are feeling very put out by all the attention Tux is getting. Then I got to work filling the mop bucket and mopping up. Tux moseyed on down for some food - leaving a trail of blood behind him on the freshly mopped floor as the growth started bleeding again.
I got it stopped again - by this time the growth had shrunk to almost half its size - most if it is just blood, which I think may be a good thing.
Tux, thoroughly perturbed (and probably not feeling very well by this point) put himself in a time out on the dining room floor.
"This sucks..." |
I began re-mopping the floor. Dave got in just as I was finishing, and I promised Tux I'd get him cleaned up properly when we got home. He'd had enough prodding so I think he was more than happy to be left alone.
But... by the time we got home (I'll share my fabulous present in another post), he was leaking again. With a strong feeling of deja vu, I got the bleeding stopped, got him setlled - but this time I bandaged him up before I started mopping...
"Talk to the paw because the cat say $%^* you!" |
Thanks to mom who had the brilliant idea to use a panty-liner as a bandage under the vet wrap. Sometimes it pays to be a girl!
So, now Tux and I are done for the night... time for a good snuggle and then bed!
And... just so you know.. there are only three squares left to knit....