Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday in the garden

It's been too cold for me to get out an clean the gardens out, but that hasn't stopped things from growing. The weather's been all over the place, but the little green things are still trucking along!
As I mentioned before, the Asiatic and Oriental lilies in the back garden are doing well. The orginal ones are sprouting quick and tall (you can see one in the top left corner. But just look at all those little green sprouts. They've spread all over the place. I may need to do some thinning!
Speaking of thinning - I'll have to do that with the Bee Balm again. This stuff would take over if I let it.
My Shaker's Prayer Iris has spread too. I really  hope it blooms this year. It hasn't so far, thought it gets nice and green. This is will be it's third year, so mayby third time is a charm?
I was worried the blue Sage got crowded out by the Pincushion plant, but I found it healthy and sprouting. I'll still have to keep an eye on it and probably trim the pincushion plant back, but I'm happy to see it return.
Speaking of happy returns - look how well my Oriental poppy is doing!!! I've bought this particular one three times, but this is the first time I've gotten it to come back after winter.
The Delphiniums are just starting to make an appearance. I've got a few different colours and they are wonderful, prolific bloomers.
And last, but definitely not least - my peonies are poking through. These will be a lovely dark pink... if they ever bloom. I separated them from Dad's plant, and they haven't bloomed since. But maybe, just maybe, this year will be the year!


Anonymous said...

Red sprouts???? How interesting!!

Delighted Hands said...

I hope Spring is not far behind the plant growth!!!!

bittenbyknittin said...

This winter is interminable! Our night temps have been in the teens lately. I'm afraid we will skip spring and move right into summer at this rate.

gayle said...

Aren't perennials the best! It's always so exciting when those green bits start poking through!
Our weather has been yoyo-ing so hard that the flowers are totally confused...

The Well Fed Wheel said...

It's been the same here.....temps in the 30s this morning and things are still budding out!! Feels like winter but looks like Spring.

Minding My Own Stitches said...

I hope all your poking about in the garden brings spring soon. It snowed here again this morning and i’ve Had quite enough oh that! I do hope the peonies make a show this year!

Mereknits said...

Signs of life in the garden is always so exciting, enjoy!

Araignee said...

Things are starting to happen but it is still TOO DARN COLD!!!!!

Judy S. said...

You're right, the plants are sprouting despite the weather. I just heard someone call this season "sprinter" and laughed. Isn't it interesting how peony sprouts are red? I wonder why that is.